2025-2026Books are open

I have been Ryland’s wife for 4 years!!!

Happy 4th Anniversary Ryland! Every year includes memories more fun than the last, challenges that make our love deeper, and celebrations to make our love thrive. Year #4 was pretty difficult…we packed up our belongings twice to move out of state. You held me at my dad’s funeral and helped me clean out his house. You held my hand, stroked my hair, and told me “you can do this” when I was in labor with Oakley. Wow—By God’s grace, we have weathered some pretty intense things this year together. I cannot imagine doing this thing called “life” with anyone else. Ryland, you are so strong. You continuously make me smile and laugh. You remind me of Jesus and the hope we have in Christ when I feel down. You surprise me every day with new reasons to fall in love with you. You are the hottest man ever—can’t believe you are mine!!!

I fell in love with your checkerboard head when we first started dating…
And thought your rubix cube skills were impressive…what!? is that my husband!!??Ew, i hate fish but wow–look at those muscles!You are the best snowboarder I have ever ever seen!Scootering in the Bahamas…Love the helmet babe.I love how I can play tetris on your clothes…Thanks for all the home-made gourmet coffee and mocha lattes! Stud.You are/were such a great sailing coach…and I love listening to you play mexican tunes on your guitar.Thanks for planning such fun vacations for us, like our trip to California!Work it baby!You don’t look like it in this picture but, you are very good at navigation and mapping…I am never lost with you.Pondering life…Is that my husband again!!!??? S-e-x-e-y! (That is how Ryland spells sexy—at least when we are playing scrabble).And you are such a good daddy to our doggie…A great dance partner at weddings…And sometimes you make me laugh soooo hard. I love that.Last, but not least…you are an amazing father already and you have only been doing it for a week. Thanks for loving our son.

hello & welcome

Hey friend! I'm Katie.


I am a wife, mom, and



I absolutely cannot let life pass without capturing, documenting, and treasuring the seasons as they come and go through photographs.


That's where my camera comes in.

I hope you enjoy my work.

Can't wait to meet you!


904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact Katie
Athens, GeorgiaST. AUGUSTINE, FL
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