Courtney and Brad are one of those couples that look more like each other the longer they are together. There is no question that their kids will have red hair! Courtney has been my best friend since 3rd grade. We have grown up next to each other; crying, laughing, and dreaming all the way. She met Brad while she was away at college in Ohio and living 1000 miles away, I was a little skeptical that this guy was good enough for my best friend. The truth is: I didn’t think any guy would ever be good enough for her BUT Brad is proving me wrong. He is A LOT of fun to be around and you can see in his eyes that he treasures her. And…she deserves to be treasured. She really is an amazing woman. Brad—thanks for loving and caring for my best friend. I can’t wait to live closer to you two someday and push our baby-buggies together!