2024-2025Books are open

Jolie//St. Augustine Newborn Photographer

Lisa and Joe welcomed their baby girl to the world in on Saint Patrick’s Day! It is easy to see that they are first time parents because they are just totally smitten with Jolie in every way….I witnessed that even changing her diaper made their hearts flutter for her! As a side note, Lisa was an incredible pregnant lady. We went to yoga together when she was about 6 months pregnant and Lisa was doing all of these really challenging poses. i struggle to do the easiest poses when i am not pregnant and here she is with a big bump balancing on one foot! show off. Anyway, i also have to mention that Lisa had a completely natural birth. you can tell that this momma has some strength and endurance skills!

Congratulations Joe & Lisa! You two are awesome parents already! Can’t wait to push my stroller next to yours in a few months! Jolie was beautiful and wide-eyed for most of the session. I think she wanted to match the owl theme of her new room. :)

hello & welcome

Hey friend! I'm Katie.


I am a wife and momma to six.

I absolutely love road-tripping and exploring as much as I can to make memories with family and document the incredible lives of others.


904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact us
Athens, Georgiapittsburgh, pa &
st. augustine, fl
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