2025-2026Books are open


You may notice a pattern in my blog posts but echoes happen for a reason. I want you to know the truth. Photographs can be liars or truth-tellers. Or both all at once. My brother recently sat across the dinner table from me saying: “Wow Katie, from the outside, photography makes your life look so good.” And a friend asked me: “Do you and Ryland ever fight?”

why yes. yes we do.

“What do you fight about?”

money, chores, being parents, being lovers, time spent, time unspent, where we should live, how we should spend the rest of our lives.–to name a few. Of course we love each other. We have a great marriage—that is true. to be perfectly honest, our marriage has never been better. But photographs don’t show you our messy house, the way we look (absolutely ridiculous) when we get out of bed in the morning, or our bank account. In a sense, you are getting truth when you see this:

But not the whole truth.

So here i am again…trying to make you see the whole truth, in case you have missed it…

I have lived 9, 125 days. ish–give or take.  this lovely yet, at times, hard-to-swallow concoction called life seems mysterious as I compare the things that filled it up to the number that defines it. How did i get here? twenty-five. some memories I can still taste, some are long gone, nevertheless, one thing has always stayed the same:

I have spent the last 25 years believing that if I could just “put in enough”, I would emerge into the perfect life. A life where I dance in white clothes like the girls in maxi-pad commercials, laugh around a dinner table of good friends every night, and have a few rooms of my house featured in Better Homes and Gardens. I could sing along to songs that talk about having no regrets and actually believe what I am singing about. And even the ways I was imperfect would be perfect in some abstract explanation. It’s art. It’s beautiful even if it’s messed up—yep that’s life. Put together enough, carefree enough. Such a calculation that I have never been precise in achieving.

Maybe I just thought that by now I would have mastered soccer, acting, singing, playing piano, being a teacher, being a photographer, being a wife, being a mom, or plain just “me”–isn’t that life? Mastering “you”. Just be “yourself”. What does that even mean? Whatever it means, why isn’t it easy to just be “you”?

Though I love the idea of a command to “live each day as your last”, I can’t hang those cute yet daunting frames in my home–it’s too much pressure for a perfectionist to bear. Some days I just pray that there is one more day Lord. This was not THE day to be my last day. Please let me have a redo tomorrow.

Maybe tomorrow I will be a healthy mix of the girls from Proverbs 31 and Livin La Vida Loca. What else more could I need to be in life than those girls?

And now as I am here at 25 “quarter of a century/ half or three quarters or one fourth done with my life” I admit the other side of our truth. my truth: the realization that if I keep on living this way, I am going to die unfinished.

i don’t want to die wanting

I know this sounds dramatic but the drama is true: we are all collecting experiences, photographs, friends, things, “likes”, recipes, crafts, designs, fashions, cars, vacations, self-help books–aren’t we? We are all trying to spend ourselves in one way or another.Spending time. Spending energy. Spending money to “put in enough” because we only get one shot. Aren’t you afraid of what I’m afraid of? What if we get to the end and we still want but there is no time left to have.  What if there are things i haven’t done? Places I haven’t gone? Feelings I haven’t felt? The emptiness lingers.

I put myself “under the gun” and ask: What have I done?

 dug snow tunnels, caught fire-flies, leaped into leaf piles, sported “first-day of school” outfits, dressed american girl dolls, arranged polly pockets, handed out new-patient forms to my stuffed animal vet clinic attendees, stirred up mud-pies for  imaginary children, built forts in the woods, cuddled with kittens, baked chocolate chip cookies, licking the spoon.

{an oldie but goodie from the external hard-drive. Ella, my friend’s gorgeous daughter. An avid explorer of life}

I have played marco-polo, walked miles around the block, hosted sleep-overs, wished over blown-out candles. scrapbooking, shopping, magazines. make-overs, boyfriends, first dates. I have made mistakes.

Lying about rehearsing for flute lessons, forging my parents’ signatures, jealous about clothes, toys, boyfriends, cars, schools, grades, hair…being included. Lying about seeing movies when i hadn’t in order to feel full. To feel “in”. What I had was not enough, greed calls me to want and want, ignoring God, skipping church, talking badly about people behind their backs. Lying when they found out. thinking malice, thinking lust, thinking too much. Wishing people would change. wishing i would change.

divorce. theft. being physically violated. feeling emotionally violated. death. not getting what i deserve. getting exactly what i deserve; neither one good.

performed in plays, sang in church, pitched softballs, kicked soccer balls, threw basket balls, street hockey on roller blades. french classes, proms, tattoos, bike riding, canoeing, rock-climbing, cliff-jumping, campfire singing, swimming, parasailing, plane-riding.

london, paris, rome, spanish country-side, coastlines of portugal and california, japan, mexico, belize.

college classes & dorm life. falling in love with jesus. falling in love with ryland. engagement. wedding. our first apartment. getting a puppy. birthing our first child. buying a house.

And yet…the emptiness lingers. twenty-five years of lists. twenty-five years of days full. experiences, vacations, friends galore. where did they go?  why can’t i still taste them all? they drain out the bottom because i am on to the next thing. frantically trying to become. spending to become. what do i earn in spending? nothing. or at least very little—either way, not enough to sustain a chronic wanter.

What does the bible say? 

{The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3he refreshes my soul.”} psalm 23:1-3

what? I don’t have to become anything.? No katie, you lack nothing.
I don’t have to fill up this broken cistern with gaping holes in the bottom—the unquenchable water of “life” always draining out. I don’t have to have a constant thirst from the lingering emptiness that begs me for more. More love. more business. more money. more friends. more romance. more things.
What I wouldn’t give (see lists above) to just lie down in a green pasture and know that my cup overfloweth. That my life is full just in that simple silent breeze-gently-blowing, grass-swaying, earth-holding-me moment when Christ lays me down to rest not just in the “next” life (heaven) but here right now in this one!

13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water (the water of the world. the water that meets our physical desires. our emotional wants. our mental and even spiritual quick-fixes) will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” john 4:10

What is the water that Christ gives? The cup of a fullfilled life. the cup of a life with purpose. the cup of a restored relationship with God, the creator of me and the author of life. if he made life itself, surely a relationship with the life maker would fulfill me for good. All condensed into one cup. That’s it!? I don’t have to DO anything except drink it deep down in my soul?

 You don’t have to die wanting. Jesus lived a perfect life and died to meet the requirements of your unfinished heart. your unfinished life. your unfinished marriage. your unfinished home. your unfinished parenting. what else is unfinished? he finished it for you long ago. all of these lists of life experiences that you find your worth in are actually one thousand “cherries on top” of the perfect meal prepared for you at the Lord’s table.

“tetelestai” {it is finished} john 19: 28

“Take and eat” matthew 26:26

“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” psalm 34:8

hello & welcome

Hey friend! I'm Katie.


I am a wife, mom, and



I absolutely cannot let life pass without capturing, documenting, and treasuring the seasons as they come and go through photographs.


That's where my camera comes in.

I hope you enjoy my work.

Can't wait to meet you!


904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact Katie
Athens, GeorgiaST. AUGUSTINE, FL
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