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mr & mrs knox.//pittsburgh wedding photographer

white clouds and a radiantly blue sky draped over jacob and amy’s gorgeous june wedding last year. it was the kind of summer day you wake up feeling like: “this is life.” deep breaths of a light breeze, sun brushing your skin, lemonade being stirred. Ya know what I mean!? Anyway…it was one of those days.

Amy and Jacob’s love is just like that summer day: fun, carefree, adventurous. i love that they make fun. while dating, amy & jacob “dated through the alphabet”, planning activities to do together around each of the 26 letters. being intentional about spending fun together is so very admirable. in any long term relationship, it is easy to just start living next to each other instead of setting aside focused time to explore, and laugh, and take “selfie” pictures. they also moved to a new place right after their honeymoon without family or friends nearby. talk about adventurous! judging by the endless feed of Facebook pictures featuring mountains and vineyards, i think amy and jacob made the right choice. :) thanks for setting such a great example for Ryland and I, knoxes!

{knox’s? knoxs’?} haha.

So honored to be a part of your special day. I will never forget it!

check out their awesome vendors: 

Dress – Deborah’s Bridal Traditions
Cake – Bethel Bakery
Church Venue – Sharon Community Presbyterian Church
Reception Venue – Pittsburgh Athletic Association
DJ – Jason Lacko
Videographer – Matthew Mastroianni
Flowers – Chris Puhlman Flowers
Ice Cream Sundae Bar – Bruster’s

get ready for a carousel, crazy hats, and some of the best dancing i have ever experienced …

love this one of Amy’s dad seeing her for the first time in her wedding dress…

i love when daddies brag about their daughters while everyone is waiting patiently for their meal…probably one of the cutest ice-cream toppings bar i have ever encountered…one of the most amazing moments of the day was when amy and her brother performed a special choreographed ball-room style dance together. it was so beautiful and graceful. the love between them was so apparent and sweet.
one of my favorite “longest married” couples ever…and judging by my huge belly, you can probably tell that this was my last wedding before maternity leave. Jacob and Amy took a minute at the end of the day to express their appreciation for Oakley’s middle name. His middle name is “knox” {named after a railroad i used to ride on with my dad}…but They still think that we named him after them so let’s just let them think that.

hello & welcome

Hey friend! I'm Katie.


I am a wife, mom, and



I absolutely cannot let life pass without capturing, documenting, and treasuring the seasons as they come and go through photographs.


That's where my camera comes in.

I hope you enjoy my work.

Can't wait to meet you!


904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact Katie
Athens, GeorgiaST. AUGUSTINE, FL
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