We are so excited to share our 2013 christmas photos taken by Pittsburgh Photographer Leigh Young Photography!
… There may or may not be a little riddle hidden within :)
Even though Oakley is not smiling in this picture, I looooove it. Great shot Leigh!
Ryland was proud of his perfectly shaped coffee bean and carrot snowman. i have to admit, that is the cutest snowman I have ever seen!
surprise! we are expecting baby weber #2 in June 2014! Ryland and I are thrilled and humbled to become parents to another child. Oakley is so much fun and I know he will probably thank us some day for providing a brother or sister. {maybe not}…Please pray for me. Lord have mercy!
Our announcement photo-shoot wasn’t the only exciting thing about traveling to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving. A few days after Ryland, Oakley, the un-named dog, and I fell out of our minivan into the snow of my hometown, we all caught a terrible stomach virus leaving 9/10 of us completely useless of exploring or celebrating the great holiday of thanks. So sorry if we missed ya this time Pittsburgh folks! Next time, we will be sure to make more thorough rounds to friends. thankfully most of us felt better by our last day together to travel downtown and practice our tradition of visiting Randall’s Toy Store, a place my dad has taken Rick, Keith, and I since we were little…{my brother, keith, picked up my camera and shot this one of Oakley exclaiming that he was a good photographer too! i agree–I love this shot. thanks keith-probably has nothing to do with the 5d you were using. ;)}