2025-2026Books are open

mr&mrs rudd/st augustine wedding photographer/the noyes museum/long beach island, nj

Hold on tight for citrus with style…From the bride & groom to the wedding party, and the dancing to decor, everything about this wedding is F-U-N. Steve and Tara are super adorable together; a gamer and a graphic designer with two sets of hipster glasses. I ask you: what is not to love?

Ryland and I had the pleasure of shaking our hips next to the soon-to-be Rudd’s in ballroom dance class during our short new jersey citizenship of 2012. Yeah. that happened. Anyway, Steve and Tara ended up being so much better than us at salsa that we had to quit. (Actually, the truth is—I was pregnant with Oakley and my belly got so big, it was obstructing our dancing skills… but let’s let them think it’s the first reason.) Nevertheless, before we moved on to parenthood, a secret moment happened that I will never forget. Steve sat on his motorcycle in the church parking lot after dance class showing off a gorgeous rock to Ryland and I just one or two days before popping the question. I felt so special to be “let in” on the excitement. It is like being back stage before the show. And I loved witnessing that secret sparkle in his eyes- he liked it and he was gonna put a ring on it…

And that right there, is what stands out to me about steve and tara. through both sets of those hipster glasses, you can plainly see the sparkle in their eyes for one another. The Rudd’s treasure God and each other deeply-like magnets that found the other side, you just can’t imagine a world where they don’t belong together.

Feast your eyes on this cocktail of “I-took-way-too-many-portraits” and “wow-how-do-those-people-have-such-amazing-style?” and “now-i-want-another-tattoo”…IMG_9198IMG_1674IMG_9204IMG_1881IMG_1895IMG_1892IMG_1949 copyIMG_1936IMG_1835IMG_1879IMG_2025 copyIMG_2071 copyIMG_2047IMG_2167IMG_2207IMG_2462IMG_9517IMG_9609 copyIMG_9512IMG_2531IMG_9706 copyIMG_9731IMG_2579IMG_2582IMG_2601IMG_2631IMG_2727IMG_2781IMG_9725IMG_9744IMG_9756IMG_9765While you are here, you might as well check out some other amazing love stories :) grab some convive coffee, put your feet up, and click below!

hello & welcome

Hey friend! I'm Katie.


I am a wife, mom, and



I absolutely cannot let life pass without capturing, documenting, and treasuring the seasons as they come and go through photographs.


That's where my camera comes in.

I hope you enjoy my work.

Can't wait to meet you!


904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact Katie
Athens, GeorgiaST. AUGUSTINE, FL
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