The Shivers Family//St. Augustine Family Photographer

Introducing the Shivers Family! Watch out—this cuteness may shock you. I was so pleased to have the honor of shooting this beautiful family again after I took William’s newborn photos several years ago. Why do babies have to grow up? I guess if they didn’t, we would never get to see how William is such a big boy now and SO great with his new little sister. There are blessings in every stage. Congratulations Shivers Family! So wonderful to catch up with you and see all the awesome things God is doing in your lives! IMG_0586 copyIMG_0636 copyIMG_0668 copyIMG_0692 copyIMG_0713 copyIMG_0752 copyIMG_0746 copyIMG_0897 copyIMG_1044 copy copyIMG_1026 copyIMG_1056 copy copyIMG_1085 copy copy

hello & welcome

Katie is a photojournalist specializing in colorful wedding and family portraiture.

904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact us
15237Athens, Georgiapittsburgh, paVisit our Studio