2024-2025Books are open

Emory & Skip/Jacksonville Wedding Photographer/The Bolles School & Epping Yacht Club

Meet Emory & Skip! We had a great time at The Bolles School and Epping Forest Yacht club, taking engagement photos and chatting about their beloved cat…”waffles.” Yes, that is real. Skip actually proposed while taking annual christmas portraits with waffles and Emory…complete with ugly Christmas sweaters. Needless to say, I love these people! haha! Unfortunately, Waffles...

hello & welcome

Hey friend! I'm Katie.


I am a wife and momma to six.

I absolutely love road-tripping and exploring as much as I can to make memories with family and document the incredible lives of others.


904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact us
Athens, Georgiapittsburgh, pa &
st. augustine, fl
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