2025-2026Books are open
2010Est.Katie Weber PhotographyA little bit more aboutk

Hi there!

I'm Katie.


I am the proud wife of
that handsome stud in the photo


We have 6 beautiful boys

4 coffee shops, a coffee truck

...and 1 sweet lab mix.


My husband and I met on the beach. He was surfing; I was taking photographs. We are celebrating 17 years of marriage this year.


We love to travel worldwide, road-trip, and camp. Exploring is how we seek and find God's glory. As believers in Jesus, it is a joy to find his love in each little detail of Creation; especially in new ways and places.


How I became a Photographer

When I was a little girl, I loved to climb into the attic, sit in the mix of musty boxes with my mom, and discover Walter's old cameras and photographs. Wonder and surprise and the warmth of remembering were all up the footsteps of that stairwell.


Walter was my grandfather and photography was his passion. I pressed the buttons and clicked the shutters and carefully studied his imagination through photographs. From these earliest memories, my heart was excited at the challenge before me:


Find moments and keep them somehow.



I am a photographer now as a passion, mission, and career. My photographic style focuses on blending tradition and whimsy. I believe in telling the whole story from setting the grand scene to focusing on the easy-to-miss details.

...life should be lived with variety and vibrancy; ardor and adventure; freedom and faith."

A session with me starts with

creative planning: We need...


Music. Inside jokes. Fun outfits. Weird props. The whole picture of what makes your story unique.


Your favorite fast-food is Taco Bell?


We're bringin' it.


You want me to pretend to be a tourist

while you propose to your girlfriend?




You want to dress like Britney for your senior pics and sing at the top of your lungs?


Let's do it.


You are planning your dream wedding

and can't miss a single part of the day

in your photographs?


That's my job. And I genuinely

love. every. moment.

My favorite of God's graces:

My husband (16 years) • being a boy mom (I have six. yes, you read that right) • The word (a true story of the greatest love of all time) • Pillows (if you can sit on the couch, you need more) •Tent Camping (the more remote, the better) • Books (memoirs) • Road-Trips (give me the mountains or the coastline and the perfect playlist) • Europe (Venice or paris, do i have to choose!?) • Singing in the car with the windows down (Mat Kearney, Needtobreathe, or Gavin Degraw) • Bags (Don't shower-just grab a great purse) • Home Decor Magazines (wallpaper accent walls and organizing ideas) • Bold Lipstick (and the girl that taught me the boldness to wear it) • Poetry (artists who paint with words) • Friends (we were on a break!) •



photos by daybreak photo co.

904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact Katie
Athens, GeorgiaST. AUGUSTINE, FL
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