Melissa and Dave are SO adorable. They have been married for almost 3 years and are still madly in L-O-V-E. Our shoot was so much fun! I met them at The Hyppo Popsicle shop where we bought some delicious popsicles. After that, we walked ALL over St. Augustine using every favorite backdrop we could think of.
During this photo shoot, I kept thinking about how special it was that Melissa and Dave made it a priority to get photos done of their marriage; their (slightly) seasoned love. Engagements and Weddings are fun because they include the romance of young love but, it is hard to come by couples who still gaze into each others’ eyes. It is easy to smooch someone in front of a camera when you are getting ready to shout it from the rooftops that you found THE ONE! It is a little more rare to find couples who can show up and giggle with each other three years after all the glitz and glam.
When Ryland and I were dating, someone told me that I look at him as if he is angel food cake. That was probably true because I love angel food cake! Anyway—I hope that I always look at him like that. We are committed to not just loving each other, but being IN love with each other. Thats what I see in Melissa and Dave (who, by the way, got married about a week before us!).
Melissa and Dave—you two are so dedicated to your vows and to loving each other like Christ loves the church. Thanks for letting me document your slightly seasoned love!