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Boudoir Photoshoots//St. Augustine Boudoir Photographer

I love the idea of boudoir photos!  (If you do not know what this is, maybe this wasn’t included in “The Talk” your parents gave you.) Boudoir photos are a great way for a woman to showcase her beauty in an intimate way. Women often get boudoir photos wearing bathing suits or lingerie as a gift for their husbands. These photos are such a treasure because God made the body of a woman a beautiful piece of artwork and he made man’s mind to appreciate this sensual beauty in his wife.

Men are bombarded daily with images of women. Men are wired to be physically attracted to a woman’s image and it is a constant fight not to meditate on sensual images of women. That is just the way he works! So many of my guy friends have struggled with this at some point in their lives and have now set very strict boundaries for themselves. They look away during Victoria’s Secret commercials or skip the DVD scene with sexual content. It is no secret of Victoria’s that women have powerful outward beauty which can be both a blessing and a curse! (This is certainly not to say that all of a woman’s beauty comes from her outward appearance. But—outward appearance is not something to ignore either.) I believe a woman’s heart is of utmost importance and the primary source of her beauty. However, as God is the great designer, I wholeheartedly believe that God sought to create a masterpiece when he designed each woman’s appearance. Her appearance was created to be admired; and admired in the context of marriage. There is a reason women don’t want  their men checkin’ out some other hottie with a body! We want desperately to belong exclusively to one person and for that person to be smitten with our beauty–both internal and external. The only way our sexuality can be expressed exclusively is inside the protection and commitment of marriage.

I am writing this post for two reasons:

First, I want to invite married women to think about the possibility of scheduling a boudoir session with me! I LOVE doing boudoir sessions because it is so much fun to get all done up and the resulting photos are such a special gift. Your man works so hard to look away from other pictures of scandalous women—give him a break and give him photos he CAN stare at! During the photo shoot, I make you feel very comfortable. We talk ahead of time to prep what kind of poses you want to do and what kind of style you are going for. The session takes place in a private place where no one else can see–either at your home, a hotel room, or a secluded area of nature. If you are interested, please use the contact form to set up a session!

Second, I wanted to share my personal philosophy and business policy concerning these kind of photos (which is probably already clear!) You might notice that you have never seen examples of my work in this area of photography. And—you never will unless the photos are your own! I believe that while God created a woman’s body to be showcased as a beautiful treasure, her body belongs to her husband and her husband alone. Her body is a special secret between her and her husband and therefore, should not be shared publicly in any way. Single women and married women alike should take modesty into high consideration out of reverence for the Lord and out of respect for their husbands. Therefore, the following policies are in place to protect the sanctity of intimacy and marriage based on God’s idea of how a woman’s sexuality should be expressed.

(1.) I take boudoir photos for married women AND engaged women who use the photos as a wedding gift, given on the wedding night. (2.) I do not post boudoir photos online in any way (not on my blog or Facebook) and I ask my boudoir girls not to post their photos on sharing sites either.  (3.) All of my photos (boudoir or otherwise) are located on a password required computer which no one has access to except for me! (4.) I do not do couples’ boudoir sessions.

Intimacy is a gift from God that should be shared ABUNDANTLY in the context of marriage and I am committed to protecting and cultivating intimacy in the marriages around me in the way I handle my business. Therefore, I will protect marriages by keeping these images off-line and in the hands of married people and I will cultivate marriages by encouraging women to do this for their husbands. It’s a fun secret! Secrets make things more scandalous! ;) It’s ok to be scandalous with your husband—in fact, God wants you to be!

hello & welcome

Hey friend! I'm Katie.


I am a wife, mom, and



I absolutely cannot let life pass without capturing, documenting, and treasuring the seasons as they come and go through photographs.


That's where my camera comes in.

I hope you enjoy my work.

Can't wait to meet you!


904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact Katie
Athens, GeorgiaST. AUGUSTINE, FL
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