Congratulations Meagan & Anthony! I met these two at Starbucks last year and could tell right away how much they cared for each other. Meagan & Anthony found “THE ONE” and were both ecstatic about it! Check out their love story by clicking on their engagement link. (Click here for Engagement Session). After a long few months, thankfully, April 30th finally came and they tied the knot! It was such a beautiful and personal wedding. There were so many cool details to make it special and unique. One of my favorite things was: Meagan, Anthony, and the rest of the bridal party wore cowboy boots in honor of Anthony’s home state, Texas. The character of the wedding radiated their love. Although the flowers were beautiful, Meagan’s dress was gorgeous, the food was great, and the slow dances were emotional… most of all, God’s love was the showcase that night. The new Mr. & Mrs. gave God all the glory in their celebration of his love dwelling in each of their hearts. Their marriage is dedicated to the Lord both as a celebration of what he has already done in them and as a commitment to actively love one another for the rest of their lives. Meagan & Anthony, thanks for all of the great talks and for allowing me to be a part of your special day!I love these ring shots! (April 30th was their wedding day—-4-3-0)
I was tempted to put the ring on top of the “blushing nude” lipstick but decided to go for a more pure, pre-wedding choice: “heartfelt”.
My best friend Leigh flew down from Pittsburgh to help me as a second shooter for Meagan & Anthony’s wedding. She is starting up her photography business and it was so much fun shooting with her! Check her out!
Lookin’ studly.
Girls put in so much more work on the wedding day! They were great bridesmaids :).
Me, in action! I have a love/hate relationship with photos that I show up in. Reflective surfaces make my job a little more complicated.
How cute is this?!? There are so many times I catch bridesmaids/groomsmen peaking around when everyone is praying. Look how intentional this little boy is about praying (or at least just looking like it). What a cutie pie!
The flower-girl wasn’t as dedicated to her job. She ended up checking out in the middle of the ceremony.
Leigh—lookin’ good!
The ceremony site was right next to Nocatee’s community pool and people lined up by the fence to enjoy watching Meagan and Anthony’s love. Check out this dude’s face as Meagan and Anthony kissed… Totally PRICELESS.
Even though he was the newest member of the family, he wouldn’t miss the best social event of the year!
Hott stuff. You guys have great serious faces!!!