2025-2026Books are open

Andrea, Terry, & Gibson//St. Augustine Family Photographer

Andrea and Terry are SO awesome!!! It is kinda funny how I met them…My friend Eileen and I were having a yard sale when Andrea and Terry  walked by with their sweet little baby, Gibson. I was desperate to sell a baby gate that we originally bought for our puppy 2 1/2 years ago. Our puppy is a big doggie now and doesn’t need the gate anymore. (AKA—I can trust him with my shoes…Small bunny trail: It’s funny though; sometimes I will come home and one of my shoes will have walked from the front door to the top of the stairs and thankfully, will decide not to be chewed. I always laugh out loud because I can tell Tyson is wrestling with whether or not he should chew it. When he decides against chewing it, he forgets that I will know that he at least THOUGHT about it because my shoe is no longer on the shoe rack!)

ANYWAY, I gave  my infomercial shpeal to Terry (including the part that the gate is now half price and includes a door so you don’t have to step over the gate) and he totally bought it! My shpeal AND the gate! I ended up telling Andrea that I would love to take photos of their BEAUTIFUL baby girl, Gibson, if they were interested. Fast forward a few weeks…Terry facebook messaged me asking if he could surprise Andrea with a photoshoot on Mothers’ Day! He planned out the whole day for her and I was one of the final stops. How thoughtful is that!?

As if they need one more reason to be cool….they showed up with all these awesome ideas/props. I found out that Terry is a collector of sorts and he was excited to incorporate some of the things he has collected over the years into our shoot. P.S. I LOVE THEMED PHOTO SHOOTS. We headed downtown, played guitars, and sang songs on the side of the road with the  baby in the guitar case. Little Gibson even made a few dollars in there! It was so much fun and Ryland and I have some great new friends. Thank you so much for letting me document your little family! We love you guys AND your style!

hello & welcome

Hey friend! I'm Katie.


I am a wife, mom, and



I absolutely cannot let life pass without capturing, documenting, and treasuring the seasons as they come and go through photographs.


That's where my camera comes in.

I hope you enjoy my work.

Can't wait to meet you!


904.687.7714TELEPHONEkatieweberphotography@gmail.comemail • contact Katie
Athens, GeorgiaST. AUGUSTINE, FL
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